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Mett meets his first Snake

Tracy A.

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I have a quick question. Does anyone else have Garter Snakes or Racers in there yard? This morning at 5 am (our first potty of the morning) Mettwurst tracked something acorss the yard and came upon a curled up Garter snake.

At first I thought he had another Mole by the way he was acting so unsure of 'it', and pouncing toward it. But sure enough I could make out in the darkness a pretty good size Garter Snake curled up and hissing at him.

I led him away, with a some effort-

I'm a little unsure if a Garter Snake could do damage to the dogs if they grabbed it? Anyone else dealing with this?

Oh and I was in my bath robe with rubber boots on, and no coffee!

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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We came across the same situation while on our last walk of the day [11pm] a few months back, we had just walked to the corner when we encountered the snake, I have no idea what they can or cannot do, so we wound up going around the block to avoid it. It was dark and I didn't have my glasses so I wasn't going to take any chances on where the snake went....Kai-lee wanted it bad....I didn't want to be anywhere near it!

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I have a quick question.  Does anyone else have Garter Snakes or Racers in there yard? 


I'm a little unsure if a Garter Snake could do damage to the dogs if they grabbed it?  Anyone else dealing with this?

Oh and I was in my bath robe with rubber boots on, and no coffee!


Wow, the bath robe and rubber boots made the situation bad I'm sure...but no coffee puts it over the top. :D

I haven't seen Olie and Teddy's reaction to snakes, yet. But I'm beginning to wonder if that's what's holed up in our firewood pile in the back yard...i.e., the place where Olie and Teddy spend inordinate amounts of time worrying and yapping.

I think I'd avoid letting them tangle with a snake if we saw one. Garter snakes are pretty mellow guys as snakes go, but I still wouldn't trust 'em. I think you did the right thing for Mett...

Tara, Mom of Olie, Teddy and Sweet Pea

Max and Nelly

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Over the last couple of years I've found 2 baby snakes in our back yard, that I think were poisonous. All three dogs were walking past'em totally unaware. I would have expected that of the Collies, but you'd think some sort of terrier instincts would kick in for a Cairn to take at least a wee bit of interest in a snake.

As a kid, we had a Wire Haired Fox Terrier that would kill snakes and then come proudly present them to my Mom. Murph, though, only seems to take interest in things that move really fast. So I guess a stationary snake is somewhat boring in his mind.



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My daughter knows a lot about snakes, and she says that garter snakes are harmless. I would wonder what the slithery thing would do to your dog's digestion though! They would have small bones that could do some damage, I would think. Much better to steer clear of ALL snakes, in my opinion!

Hmmmmm, wonder if it tastes like chicken?? :sick:

I got a great laugh picturing the bathrobe and rubber boots with the dog going balistic over the snake!!

:lol::lol: The robe wouldn't be big red stripes, would it????

I always wonder what my neighbors think when I am out in the yard with Phyllis Diller hair in the wee hours!! :lol::lol:

Only you 40 somethings will remember what Phyllis looked like!!! ;)

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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Only you 40 somethings will remember what Phyllis looked like!!!  ;)


50 and 60+ somethings remember too! (Not senile yet.. :D )

Max and Nelly

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If it looks like this I'm running in the other direction.


Actually that's a rattlesnake from Utah somewhere, I'm told. Nine feet, 97 pounds, if it isn't a hoax. I wish it were a hoax. Please be a hoax.

Wasn't Phyllis Diller's dog named -appropriately enough - Fang? I'd look like Phyllis if I saw that, too.

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Wasn't Phyllis Diller's dog named -appropriately enough - Fang? I'd look like Phyllis if I saw that, too.


I thought that was the nickname she used for her DH....hmmm, maybe I am getting senile.

Max and Nelly

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We have garters up here and they are harmless. They do have picky, little teeth and some will grab ahold (if provoked) but they would just as soon slither away as quickly as possbile.

The fields out back of our home "bubble up" with babies in late summer. They really are cute. :)


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My daughter knows a lot about snakes, and she says that garter snakes are harmless.

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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We live on a lake and have plenty of Garters and Black Racers. Unfortunately, Kiara has killed several snakes. I like the Black Racers being they keep Pigmy Rattlesnakes away. Kiara killed a large Racer last year. She just killed a small Garter a few weeks ago. It's really disguisting how she shakes their insides out. :sick: She doesn't eat them, just tears them apart. She must be fast being she's never been bit.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Ewwwww :shock: I will pick up spiders, salamanders, lizards and any other creature but snakes totally freak me out!

We have the classic New England stone wall where they tend to "hang out" but honestly, I haven't seen one in over a year (knock wood...knock it hard!)

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Oh Lisad- this wasn't some cute baby.... that was the babies big sister...about 2 feet long and as thick as my thumb....


Mystic, I'm one of those strange people who actually like spiders and snakes. But I definately see your point.

However, meet my other pet, Buddy...

He's my three year old Mexican-Red-Knee (yes, he is legal, captive bred and hand raised with TLC). Harry hasn't found where his aquarium is yet and I don't plan on ever introducing them. :)


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Petey and Belle have yet to encounter a snake though I have encountered many of them in the yard every year. The biggest one being about a 4ft Rat snake that took a liking to the grill area of my daughters car. I find quite a few small Ring neck snakes that get caught in the pool skimmer. Others Ive come across include King , Garter and Racers...I have yet to come across a posinous one , but we do have Timber Rattlers in this area of north Georgia.

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Rubber boots and bathrobes......lol!

Scout has found a few snakes in our backyard. When I see her with a snake, the snakes are already dead, so I'm not sure if she finds them dead or she killed....them....either way, it's gross! :D

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We avoid snakes here...several kinds of poisonous ones hang out in my area.

I've never been afraid of them...but we aren't kin either.

Sophie has not encountered them on our walks...but I doubt she would react much to them, she snuffled one worm and it stuck to her nose...she passes on them.

My poor nieghbors are subjected to me in a ratty terry cloth bathrobe and ,my clogs everymorning about 5:30, standing on the tree lawn in front of our apartment....I'm sure I stop traffic.



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That's right! Fang WAS what she called her husband!! What a riot!!! :lol::lol::lol:

Those were the days.... Just my 2 cents, but about the best laughs going on anymore are the antics of my Cairn!!

Sometimes I sure miss the "good old days"...

Sorry, just felt a little nostalgic there..... :confused:

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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:o S-ssssnnaaakkkee?????? Those things are not allowed in our yard! If I ever saw one, I promise you I would put the house up for sale within the hour!!! Cooper nearly caught one up at the lake while we were on a walk last year (I also am in denial they are there), but I saw him going after it and reeled him in so fast he didn't know what happened........YYUUUKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE SNAKES!!

pat.....who will now be having nightmares!

Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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I'm one of those strange people who actually like spiders and snakes. But I definately see your point.

However, meet my other pet, Buddy...

He's my three year old Mexican-Red-Knee (yes, he is legal, captive bred and hand raised with TLC). Harry hasn't found where his aquarium is yet and I don't plan on ever introducing them. :)


Wow Lisad! That's quite a pet! I'm sure my Kiara would go after him if she got a chance. She also loves lizards and toads and has killed quite a few of them. So far Hannah only plays w/ them, even runs w/ them in her mouth. :sick:

I too have some strange pets. Here's my Bearded Dragon, one of my Gecko Lizards, and my Uromastyx. My Cairns don't mess w/ them, but I never have them out around them. I know Kiara would tear them into pieces if she ever got the chance, and that's not going to happen.




<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I am going to need medication after seeing all the nice photos everyone posted. :shock:

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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I'm with you. I am sitting here at work, thank goodness alone, and have my feet up on my chair and I swear I can still feel the critters on me.

Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts

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Toomanypaws (or should I say, "Toomanyscales"), What a teriffic menagerie of pets!! I love 'em!! I never heard of the third guy (an Uromastyx?) but he looks very cool. My DH knows a college professor who raises Bearded Dragons and swears by their "sweet personalities". Tell me about that Gecko! From what I understand they are a little more aggressive than other lizards? Also, what is that Uromastyx like??

I am going to need medication after seeing all the nice photos everyone posted

Mystic, Sorry to be :offtopic::)

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We have a problem with snakes in our yard. We have a large drainage ditch (that never seems to drain - always full) behind our back fence. We also have a fish pond in our backyard. Well, we actually had 2 and we recently just filled in 1 because of the snakes. We mostly get big water snakes. Tabitha has attacked one last year and it scared me to death. I had the neighbor come over to kill it. Here's how big it was.... (i'm sorry if you love snakes)


I really worry about Teona getting bitten. When we removed 1 of the ponds we found a family of possums :shock:

We've already had to remove 1 snake from the pond on Mother's Day :sick:

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