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Mett meets his first Snake

Tracy A.

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Ya know, sometimes I should just realize it's too early in the morning to open up threads that have the word "snake" in them. Followed by pictures of such, and then big hairy spiders and other ghouls. Brrrrrr..... am going back to bed!

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Toomanypaws (or should I say, "Toomanyscales"), What a teriffic menagerie of pets!! I love 'em!! I never heard of the third guy (an Uromastyx?) but he looks very cool. My DH knows a college professor who raises Bearded Dragons and swears by their "sweet personalities". Tell me about that Gecko! From what I understand they are a little more aggressive than other lizards? Also, what is that Uromastyx like??


:offtopic: This isn't totally off topic. We could start a list of pets that would not be safe around a Cairn. :lol:

Lisad, here's a link about Uromastyx. They actually are wonderful pets.


All of my reptiles have sweet personalities. They are all very socialized. I teach at the museum and my preschoolers love learning about them and always look forward to me bringing something to class. Geckos are not agressive and many consider them to be an easy first reptile. Here's my other Leopard Gecko, Lexi when she was a baby:


Just go to Kingsnake.com for more info. or email me. :)

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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This is after reading all these verrry interesting posts and I don't mean to be the "caboose" - but had to comment on Lisad's Mexican Red Knee,which looks an awful lot like a Sonora desert tarantula (aka very hairy and pretty spider depending on your point of view). I am going to have to Google it to see if tarantulas and Mexican Red Knees are related. Tarantulas live around the desert here but I have never seen one in the wild.

I have no idea what my Cairn and Westie would do if they happened on this little creature. They would probably bark at it. Hopefully nothing more. Tarantulas do sting (bite?) Can't imagine dealing with this issue up close and personal --- :P


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I like snakes but because we have poisonous ones I have been training Cassie to run away from them. I use my daughter's giant rubber snake she got at Disneyland. Without any warning I'll scream at the rubber snake (which I plant around the house) and run away. Cassie is usually dogging my steps and she then will startle and run with me. Now if I only had a stuffed skunk.

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Wow...different set up here. Must I go back to Forum 101? :lol:

Now back to the subjects...

I love your gecko, toomanypaws. I could picture one of those hitching a ride on the back of Elliott.

I'm just waiting for the day when I see one of mine with a garter snake in their mouth. The words "LEAVE IT!" will be heard for miles away.

One of my neighbor's cat came in their house with a snake wrapped around it's neck and it's head in the cats mouth...squirming and very much alive!


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One day during the fall, my DH was laying pine straw in the flower beds in the back. He reached down and realized that there was a rattle snake coiled in the bail he was using! :shock: He had a rake nearby so he flung the snake outside of the fence where Savannah couldn't get to it. She never saw it but I am scared to think what would happen if she had. I have often wondered what she would do if confronted with a snake. She loves to chase lizards but has never hurt or killed one that I have seen. I hope that since a snake is not nearly as fast as a lizard, maybe it wouldn't appeal to her. Probably wishful thinking...

I did learn this week that she does have more sense than I have previously given her credit for. :offtopic: My DH and I went on vacation last week to Niagra Falls and left Savannah with my parents. Daddy was outside with her and said that Savannah spotted a Mommy cat and her new kittens down hiding in the shed. He said Savannah took off in hot pursuit. The Mommy cat reared up on its back legs and hissed and growled something horrible. all the while, Daddy is calling Savannah trying to get her to come back to him knowing that the cat would tear Savannah up protecting her babies. Daddy said Savannah put on brakes so quick that she skidded, looked at the cat, cocked her head to the side and ran back up towards Daddy. Good girl Savannah!!!

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Garter snakes wii bite if they are aggravated but it is a little bite and harmless. We don't have any snakes here in Alaska, but Rocky shows no curiousity about my pet corn snake.

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I'm not one for snakes but being in Alaska it is not a problem lol. We also don't have the flea or tick problem here in Alaska.

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Hi -

I'm new here but I was wondering if anyone has tried the rattlesnake vaccine yet? We live near the foothills and plan to do some hiking there when my little guy is a bit bigger. My vet said she hasn't seen any bad reactions yet but its a fairly new vaccine and I'm always concerned about vaccines.

Thanks, Sheri

Sheri, Mom to Jazz & Alex

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