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Brad....can we see.....


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.....the photo of your dog's tunnel once again?

Thought our newer members would enjoy!!


Cathy and Piper

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Love that one, too!

But, I meant the one of the giant hole behind your shrubs. The one that is almost to China. :P


Cathy and Piper

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Oh, got it.

Well if anyone wonders if Cairns are diggers - they sure can be! We have some diggers for sure.

Biscuit practiced in an ex-pen:


Then checked out a better location in the tree:


Haggis can help!


Granddaughter Echo carries the gene:



Don't they all?


Funny you should mention the Big Dig. For the life of me I can't get a good picture of it (due to angles and darkness) but the tunnelwork under the tree has been moving forward by leaps and bounds. Peggy reported yesterday that she'd seen nothing but Echo's tail sticking out as she (Echo) grunted and snorted and then the tail disappeared. Moments later, Echo appeared elsewhere face-first. Yep, we now have connected tunnels. Fortunately it looks like the turn brings them back toward the yard and not under fence. I just had a look and it's becoming a cave-in hazard so regrettably I'll have to fill in their work. I feel terrible but it's really gotten out of hand!

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OMG!!! :o That is unbelieveable!!!! Dori and Ellie love to dig too. I had tied them in the yard with me while I pulled weeds.....big mistake! Within minutes they both had dug a hole. I'd love to let them play in their yard and dig, but they just got groomed and i'm trying to keep them clean for vacation next week!!!

And I keep a bucket of dirt handy to fill in and reseed!!!!

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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Yep! Those are the pics I remembered! :D

Just love 'em!

I am sorry to hear that you will have to fill them in, though. I will be curious to hear if they start the process up again.....


Cathy and Piper

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WOW!!! You have first class excavator's there Brad. You should put them to some paying work to make some $$$ for you. LOVE the puppy pictures!

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If memory serves, the boy on the left grew up to be called Bentley:


The boy on the right we knew as "Dark Boy" - he became Tyrone when he was claimed as "puppy back" by his breeder; later he moved to California and became Seamus. I hope he's digging still! Lord, I love their little dirt-encrusted faces.

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club | 2025 Calendar



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I love the tunnel and the pictures of your kids.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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I am sure my little boy would be right in there with them! Poor fella, I have seen him wandering around the kitchen with his bone in his mouth, dropping the bone and digging on the linoleum! I have a few spots outside that I let him dig in when we are out, so he can give in to instinct. I truly believe that is good for dogs, especially ones with strong instincts like Cairns. It is so cool to look at their feet and claws and realize how they are perfectly suited to dig!

Barney amazed me with something when he was just 9 weeks old. We were over at my folks visiting, and I had forgotten to bring over a snack for him. My father's neighbor has a big dog, and my dad keeps a box of treats in his garage to give him when he is outside. They were too big for Barney's little mouth, so I broke one bone up into small pieces for him. One piece was a bit large, but instead of eating it, he dug a hole, dropped the bone in, then scooted the dirt back with his nose!! Amazing!!! Even at a young age, their instincts are already at work!

Has anyone ever seen those Earthdog competitions? I think Brad should enter his in the contest! I saw one on Animal Planet a long time ago. They have a camera inside the tunnel to show how the dogs go in and retrieve their "prey", then come out again! The tunnels are usually a tight squeeze for the dogs, but I think that is what they like! There are no Earthdog trials near me (rats!), but I checked online and there are a lot in California. I imagine Oregon would have them too.

What a fascinating breed....

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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Has anyone ever seen those Earthdog competitions? I think Brad should enter his in the contest!
Earthdog rocks! Good concise descriptions of AKC Earthdog tests on the Gem City page.

The first official AKC ED test ever held was held in Oregon by the Greater Portland Dachshund Club. In addition to GPDC, the Northwest is blessed with several other active test-giving ED clubs: Puget Sound EDC, Oregon Trai'ls End EDC, Cascade Dachshund, Moses Lake/Ephrata KC. If you want to see terriers and their people having a blast, an earthdog test is a good place to do it. If you're going to Montgomery this year, stay through Monday - the CTCA is sponsoring the earthodg test on Monday at Village Green Farm, Crosswicks NJ.

Uh-oh ... shameless brags ahead :P

Barley (11), Master Earthdog

Haggis (11), Master Earthdog (fourth Cairn to acheive it)

Echo (5), Senior Earthdog (and two of four required qualifying legs toward Master)

Stella (2), Senior Earthdog (and three of four required qualifying legs toward Master)

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club | 2025 Calendar



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Awesome, Brad!! Very cool to hear about someone who is really into the Earth Dog thing! That would explain why your doggies have such freedom to dig at your house! :D:D

My husband was born in Portland, and to say his heart is still there is an understatement!! We went back in '03 and had a great time! There is so much to do and so much natural beauty to witness and explore! It is quite a trip to make for us from Illinois, but it was so worth it! I would love to have all those outdoor opportunities for our dog!!

Your dogs are quite accomplished! Brag away!! :thumbsup:

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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Warning to Brad.... :!: :!: :!: We filled in Savannah's work of art and she redug it in only half the time!!!! :!: :!: :!: Better get your shovel and workgloves ready!!!! :whistle:

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Never saw those pictures! They're great!

My husband and I would love to bring Alfie to ED tests...it will be heaven for him!!!

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