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Never Ending Cairn Question Game . . . .


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Definitely NOT. Rainy days are when you have to walk through the house with an eye out for "surprises" left conveniently in your path.

How much grooming time do you spend a week per dog?

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Usually about 15-20 minutes each. This weekend though it was about 4.5 hours - Susie needed a total strip.

Oh boy what a job, glad I don't need to do that again in a hurry!

How long do you walk your cairns each day?

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Daisy stays out most of the day during the work week.

She has a nice run that overlooks the horse pasture so she 'keeps them in line' I'm sure. <_<

When we're at home, she can come in and out as she pleases.

We've been letting her sleep loose in the house, she has a big cushion in the living room,

but she's had a couple "accidents" lately so back in the crate at night.

I've never seen such a thief! She doesn't tear stuff up but she sure likes to 'relocate' it.

We crack up watching her slink off with a toy. She's real stealthy - not. :ninja:

You know those cheap balls at Walmart - they drive her CRAZY. She'll chase one around the yard until she can't run any more. So fun to watch!

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Savannah is also a stealer. She will steal food, clothes out of the laundry baskets, receipts she finds laying around, STUFFED ANIMALS, etc.!!! No stuffed animal in our house is safe!

Question: Is your pup a cuddler or does he/she prefer to be loved on his/her terms?

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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She's a cuddler - kind of.

If she's not busy doing something, she wants in someone's lap.

It's funny because my hubby is a real man's man but the first thing he does when he gets home is sit in the recliner and call Daisy to come sit with him. He calls her name in a high-pitched unmanly voice. :lol:

We have a 3 yo son so she's "kid broke" too. She's a tough little booger...

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Packy is a cuddler on his terms -- usually when he's sleepy or I'm at the computer. Just what is it about me sitting at the computer that makes him so lovey-dovey?

Next question: How does your Cairn let you know it's time to go potty?

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Kiara has a certain bark that I know she has to go out. I come and find her standing at the kitchen door. The kitchen door is connected to the garage. I have a side garage door w/ a small fenced area known as their "potty" area. The backyard is for play, this is their bathroom. :D Hannah will jump at the kitchen door. She's jumping pretty high and will hit the door handle now. Abbey doesn't quite get it yet. :whistle: She goes out w/ Kiara and goes out w/ Hannah, which keeps her from having accidents in the house.

Does your Cairn(s) watch your every move?

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Crunch not only watches every move, but follows me to make sure that I am in sight. Gus could care less. He has his own agenda.

Have you ever wondered if you have a cat in disguise? (cat-like tendencies)

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My husband replied adamently...NO to this question. However, I see cat like mannerisms occasionally! Such as sleeping on the couch back, and the sneaky tricks the sometimes play. Also, how they stretch and lay with front and back paws all stretched out. So, I say YES! lol.

Have you ever had your dog create his own system of how he would like to be let outdoors? (i.e. Abe began nosing the lid on our humidifier up, and down to let us know he wanted out!)

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Zoey will go to the back door and sit for about 3 seconds , if no one notices she will tap the glass with her foot as to say ,, "hey, im waiting".

She also does this at my neighbors back door when she wants in. She has this feeling that everyone who lives in the condo complex should allow her in and out as she pleases. Always with a tap at the door.

Next Question: How many different barks does your cairn have? We have several around here. My fav the under the breathe "puff bark"

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Too many to count!!!!! The one's that we hear most often are a play bark, an alert bark (scares me when she does this one cause it means that she thinks that something is wrong), an attention bark (she does this one when she wants someone to pay attention to her), and a "hunting" bark (I usually hear this one outside when she is hunting birds or lizards or something).

Next question: What is your dogs favorite game to play or favorite toy to play with?

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Every single night as we're relaxing in front of the TV, Elliott gets out this rubber tug toy that we've had forever and begins to shake it as if he's trying to kill it. He'll growl, drop it and then attack it again. After a few minutes he'll try and get us to grab it from him. It's hysterical!

Winnie loves her little egg babies (we call them her licky-lickies)

Madison honestly has no favorite...usually she'll want what Elliott has.

How many Cairns do you think you could handle all at once? I'm not talking about babysitting but owning.

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Well my two girls I think is as many as I could do at once.... I'm always chasing after them because they're into everything - and I can bearly get to one before the other one is off finding trouble.... but my heart would tell you I would take on a million of those cute little furballs

Question: Is there anything that your cairn fears?

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah
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Rocky fears nothing!!! He is the alpha and will go after anything to protect us.

What has your Cairn done to melt the heart of the man in the house that never wanted a "little dog"?

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He was sitting on the sofa watching television and she brought her teddy bear over and layed it at his feet and took her head and kept nudging his leg until he melted.

How did you come to own a cairn?

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I do search and rescue and wanted a smaller dog to get into tight places my big boys can't. After much research I decided that the Cairn was the breed I wanted to work. This board was very influential in my decision. All of your posts confirmed that the Cairn would be a good fit for my lifestyle. Whether you all know it or not, all of you will be partially responsible for Dusty's finds. I thank all the wonderful posters for causing me to be owned by a Cairn. They are great pets and outstanding work partners.

On average, how often does your Cairn suprise you with a new skill or antic?

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At least once a week if not more often than that, Izbell latest is she loves to play with our cat Junie B, well we just bought her a "crinkle bag" and Iz has figured out if she crawls inside and waits very quietly she can suprise attack Junie B. Its hilarious to watch the whole thing they both jump up in the air, Iz still inside the bag so it looks alive, and Junie "poofs" out (hair all standing up) I must admit when she is in the bag its the quietest and the most still she ever really gets.

Does your Cairn assume the "Parent" role in your home? The rule maker, the rule inforcer and the disapliner of all other pets and kids?

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Kody is defintely the "parent" in our household. We don't have any kids, but she always lets us know when we're not paying enough attention to her. She protective in the sense that she hates when we pack the car for a trip because she worries that she will be left alone (even though we take her on every trip! ) She defintely has her own set of rules that she tries to enforce, and as we all know...Cairns can take over our house and hearts! :)

What's your Cairn's favorite spot in the house?

- Kody loves the back of the couch right next to the window so she can scope out the neighborhood! We call it her "post" :)

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Savannah's favorite spot in the house is where ever I am, literally. If I am sitting, she is in my lap. If I am standing, she is following me around. If I can't see her, I worry because it happens so rarely. Usually if I can't find her, she is in the kitchen lying on the cool tile floor (must feel good when it is hot outside!)

What things have you done trying to trick your Cairn to do something you want and they have now caught on to your trick so it doesn't work anymore? (example: Savannah knows when I am trying to trick her to go outside so that I can do something without her. She will now stand at the door until I go out with her so that she doesn't get left out there alone.)

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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The favorite game Levi and I play is when I put my hand under a blanket and catch his nose, then I quickly move my hand and he doesn't know where it went. Then the hand comes out of nowhere and grabs his nose again. It drives him crazy. Is you Cairn fascinated with flying birds?

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Actually mine have gotten used to all the birds in our yard. Between the birdbaths, feeders and houses that are occupied with chirping babies, they much prefer the squirrels and chipmunks for entertainment.

How familiar is your Cairn to your schedule? Do they know how to "tell time" and anticipate beforehand what you're going to be doing?

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Hollie and Brystal definately know how to tell time. They know exactly when I'm in the shower and how much time they have to destroy things while I'm busy - they even know when I'm leaving for work and returning home. I think they even know the day we mow the lawn as they bring all their toys in on the patio for us :thumbsup:

What's your Cairn's coolest trick?

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah
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