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The Road to California


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Well we went to Newport beach, that was nice. And lots of dogs around too.

Ok, and now for the ears picture.....


Ellie just gave up....


Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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I love it! I dare not show my three your post here w/ Ellie and Dori. Their life is going to look boring next to your girls, except for that caged picture of them at DL kennel. Thanks for making me smile tonight. Keep the updates coming.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Well we'll be leaving in the morning, and I'm ready. It's so hectic out here, and remember, we live in the middle of 80 acres so this is wall to wall people....I cant wait to be sitting on my porch again.

I know my girls will be ready for their yard and their big house to roam around in again. They've been so good though......uhm, except for the one time Ellie took off out of our site dragging a 25 pound weight behind her like it wasnt even there!!!!! I couldnt believe it. There was another dog being walked by....it was so embarrassing!!! Where'd I put that paper bag for my head again!?!?!?! And you know how Ellie loves the pool...well everytime we walked by it she went nuts, she just wanted in!!! Especially when this one "chunky" gal jumped in and made a splash, the goes crazy when you splash.....too funny really. I hope our pool still looks good when we get home. So we are ready to head east.

Illinois is going to look so nice and green!!!!

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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Well i got their ears last night, I hope to get a good shot of them today sometime. I am wearing down fast!!!! I'm gonna try to talk dh into finding a beach today, they would love it and I could get some great shots!!!! Not that that's my mission mind you! ha!

To be continued.....

Those ears are just too cute! :wub: I still like pointy Cairn Terrier ears better. :)

Thanks for log of your adventures; have a safe trip home.

Tara, Olie, Teddy, and Swett Pea's Mom

Max and Nelly

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I think when you get home you should re-post that photo of tired Ellie and let us make up captions for it, like they do on the back page of the New Yorker magazine. Too precious!

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Terry....you oughta contact Disney and see if the girls could be an ad for their kennels!!

Too cute!!


Cathy and Piper

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This has been a fun trip to watch....I've enjoyed in greatly. Sophie does not enjoy being in a car, I have managed to get her to ride shortl jaunts around town, but dreams of traveling with her do not suit her personality.

I am sure you will be glad to get back home.



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I too have enjoyed your travel stories going out west, and the dogs sound as if they were as good as gold. Loved the pictures. That is so great that they enjoy being in the RV. Mine would not do well as they are also not happy in cars.

I live in Arizona too, and I think you may have gone through a piece of it called the Arizona Strip. It is on the other side of the Grand Canyon/Colorado River from the rest of AZ. Bee-yutiful country!


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I thank you for sharing your marvelous Disney adventures with me. Those Mickey ear pics are priceless.

So....when's the next trip I can look forward to taking with you guys? :lol:

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Well tonight we're in Flagstaff, AZ...going to the grand canyon tomorrow...boy do i wish i could take them with me, i'm sure there are great photo ops there!!!

But i'll have to settle for our campground. Dori has made a few new friends, and Ellie wants to go swimming...so what's new?!!?!



Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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I loved Flagstaff! You bring back memories. I did a cross country ride on a harley back in the early 80's and camped there a few nights. I totally fell in love w/ that place. The Grand Canyon is awesome. Just wondering why you can't take Ellie and Dori? Isn't the Painted Desert right around there too? I remember that being pretty cool.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I just loved this thread! Disney is my favorite place on earth, so the pic with the ears just stole my heart. You guys make travel with dogs look EASY. I can't wait to show my dh the pics.....

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Loved the pictures and the adventure. Thank you so much for sharing. :thumbsup:

I feel a little guilty now... :shy: I need to take Cody somewhere special.

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I grew up in Flagstaff, and now live in Prescott, just an hour south. Wish I could get away to meet up with you guys and meet the girls. They are beautiful

Thanks so much for sharing your vacation with us. I'm on vacation next week, because we are picking up our baby boy on Sunday. My husbands first real Fathers Day will be with our new fur baby. :P

Wishing you safe travels home! :thumbsup:


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what an incredible day....the Grand Canyon was just that...Grand!!!! And we could have taken the girls, i was so ticked!!!!! We're going to take them to a forest preserve here in a bit so they can run around. It would have been so great to get some neat shots of them....i was so bummed out. But it was a wonderful day, totally awesome. I'll post a pic of me with the ultimate backdrop when i download some shots later. I'm so tired!!!!

BTW, met a gal here in the RV park with two cute westies, we're all going to play later, that will be fun. Well, the dogs are going to play....I'm taking pictures.....what else would I do!!! lol

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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I had to chime in too -- I am down in Tempe (next to Phx) and today you are about 2 1/2 hours north of me in "Flag." The Canyon is SO gorgeous, look forward to your pictures. Hope you guys and "the girls" have a good trip home.


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Thanks for sharing your holiday with us. I've really enjoyed reading about it and seeing how much fun you and your fur babies had. BTW you have some awesome camping grounds over there, and doggies are allowed too - what a bonus. :thumbsup:

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Well gosh, i wish i'd known I had cairn buddies in AZ, that would have been fun to meet up. I'd like to say maybe next time....but, i'm afraid i made my cross country trip to the west....

I thought it was so beautiful out there, but i have to be honest, the dust got to me. I cant believe how much i miss my grass and will never gripe when it's time to mow again.....ok, maybe not as much!!! lol. Here's a few pics we took our last night in Flag, we didnt stay out there too long as there were so many pieces of glass around, i was afraid for them. But they still had fun. Check out the monster bone Ellie found! And I had to pull them from the crevis (sp?) for fear something would be in there...but they had fun sniffing around.....And I threw one in there of me.....


Dori propped up on a log, checking it all out.


Ellie and her bone...


Can you see their butts poking out from the rocks??? ignore mine!!! lol


and me...


Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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What great pics.

I can understand your longing for the green grass of home but your trip is my dream vacation. I keep playing the lotto and my first purchase will be a motor home (when I win, of course)

Drive safely and keep up updated with all those glorious pictures! Thanks

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I think your pictures are great too! I don't get to visit as often as I would like but it is fun catching up!

Almost seems like you could make a children's book out of it!


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Ok, this is the final frontier!!!! We are home! What a terrific trip and the girls did awesome. Here's just a few last shots of them. One in New Mexico...I think, and then the campground last night outside of St Louis. The one at the RV door is to show that they can do the "wait" command....a crutial command when you travel. They are awesome at it if nothing else! LOL Thanks for letting me bore you with all my pics and you're all very kind.



sorry about the glare on this one....


Oh, and this is a lousy pic, but it was so funny. In Anaheim, we were by the stadium and the blimp was circling overhead, they went nuts and dori was howling, it cracked me up.


Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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