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Three things you like most and...


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Bear's most endearing qualities are:

1. His personality...he is so sweet most of the time. He loves everyone. Bear got along with all the other dogs at his obedience classes. He's a social butterfly. I love how he greets me when I've been away. He's so loving.

2. I love how he plays with our Golden Retriever puppy (5 months old). They chase each other around, wrestle, play tug-o-war with their toys, and then lay down next to each other to recover. It drives my kids nuts, but I think it's fun.

3. I love how Bear cocks his head when I talk to him. It's as if he is really listening. I know it's an illusion, but it's still cute.

Then, Bear's qualities that drive me nuts:

1. Bear's stubbornness when it comes to housebreaking. He has a very defiant streak. He will just have been outside, but then will come inside and pee or poop right in front of us. He looks at us like he's laughing at us. It's very frustrating. He's a year old and should be housebroken by now.

2. Bear's penchant for getting out of his yard. It's been a real challenge to keep him in. The fencing itself in buried 2 feet in the ground all around the area. However, the steps up to the backdoor are another story. He has managed to find any little hole possible to get out. My DH has pieces of wood nailed all along both sides of the steps. So, Bear digs out from under the first step. Now that is barricaded. With all that, he still managed to get out this past Sunday. Then, he runs and runs and runs. They say don't chase him, but what are we to do when he is heading toward the highway at the end of our road. He has no sense of danger when cars come along. He actually runs toward the cars. It scares me to death. He totally ignores "come". We need to do some diligent hard work on that. Bear is also no longer allowed outside alone.

3. Bear's barking is annoying. He is a typical cairn who barks at anything and everything. He especially gets going in the evening. We have lots of windows and the relections of that "other" cairn or of us gets him to barking almost continuously. We have these high ceilings and the barking kind of echoes.

Gee, the paragraphs are longer for the last three than the first three qualities. I really do love Bear and wouldn't give him up for anything. I just wish I could get some of those detrimental qualities under control. I know it takes time and training, and we have been working on it. It's frustraiting because I really would like a second cairn in the future. These detrimental qualities are not helping to convince my DH. This is a great thread because I realize I'm not alone in dealing with the cairn qualities....good and bad.

MAKE it a GREAT day!!! :D


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Let's see, what do I love about Barney?

1. When I get him up in the morning, he is so happy and excited that he runs around in circles like he just doesn't know what to do with all this happiness!

2. When I pick him up, he shoves his head into the crook of my neck and wimpers, then goes completely limp and heaves a big sigh.....

3. When he wants a hug he just sits at me feet, looking up at me with these big eyes.....can you hear my heart melting?

What I don't like:

1. His occasional big whopping hissy fits when he doesn't get his way!

2. The fact that it seems he will never get it through his little head what DROP IT! means.....sigh.......

3. His incessant nipping of my fingers. It's gentle but really annoying....

...But he's just a baby still, so my last three will get better, so everyone tells me! :)

great topic idea! I loved reading everyone's replies!!

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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The three things I love about my Cairn-Abigail:

1.) The sweet, gentle, meek puppy way that she has when she first wakes up.

2.) The cute, happy little prance that she does when I take her out on a little walk around the apt. complex. She takes the leash in her mouth, her ears are perked up, and she prances like she is a little performer. She reminds me of a happy show horse dancing in the ring really putting on a performance. She sure acts like a happy go lucky little stinker.

3.) I love how smart and expressive she is. She looks RIGHT at you. I think some Cairns are part human or smarter than some humans, they are so smart they can read body language and understand certain words, tone of voice, or your expression, I think more so than other breeds of dogs. (I may be prejudiced)

I think she melted my Dad's heart a little (he is jealous of dogs) when she went to my parent's house for the first time and she laid her head on top of this stranger's foot (my Dad) and was dozing. She also is one to look intently at you and cock her head from side to side like she is really trying to understand you.

(I am sorry I am cheating but I have to add this)

4.) Her sweet, loving personality, she is your best friend, she can tell if your ticked off and she wants to make sure your still her best friend. After she is scolded she comes up to you in a quiet way and wants to cuddle with you, as if to say, "Do you still love me?"

Cairns seem to truly enjoy interaction with their owners. The rest of the world could fall apart, but hey, they don't care they have their owner.

The things I least like:

1.) Barking over nothing.

2.) When I am on the computer, and she does not have my attention, she barks, yips or whines, and the shrillness seems to go up an octave, after she sees I am not responding. (if it gets carried away to an extreme, a squirt from a water bottle takes care of this-but not in the face)

3.) Stubbornness. We are working on this-the pack order and obedience issues, hers that is.

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1. The way Renny's head tilts from side to side when I talk to him like he's hanging on my every word.

I'm convinced that he understands more than he lets on.

2. His independent and self confident attitude. While he's very affectionate, he doesn't fawn all over me

like many other smaller breeds do.

3. His friendliness when meeting other dogs and people. He is not aggressive towards people or other

dogs, but is gutsy enough that he doesn't back down when approached by larger dogs.

:sick: Dislikes;

1. His independent and self confident attitude. While I like his independent nature most of the time, but

sometimes he could give Cats lessons on how to be independent and ignore people.

2. Excessive barking at times. For the most part, he is pretty good about it, but if he gets started, he will

not quiet down until he's darn good and ready.

3. Eating Poop and other disgusting things. I'm constantly amazed at what he will "taste". On our walks,

I have to be alert for things like dead birds or squirrells. If I don't see it before he does, "In the

mouth it goes". Once he gets hold of something gross, it is a real fight to get him to let loose.

If the cat coughs up a hairball, Renny figures it's a warm snack.

Do I love the little guy in spite of himself? Absolutely. Of course it would make my day if he gave up the

Poop eating.


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