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Family picture


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I posted this this the other day under the World Cup heading but here it goes again. It's one of my favorite pictures. Oh yeah... GO BRAZIL!!!


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Here's me and Barney! Oh, I just love that little guy!!! :wub:

This is so fun! I love putting a face to the poster! It makes it so much more personal!

Great idea!! :thumbsup:


All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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Our photoshoot started at 6:00 pm, 28 minutes and 35 pictures later we finally got it! Trotters not the most cooperative model in the world...he only believes "treat" so many times.


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I will have to see if I have any pictures to share. My hair is still growing back, and it's curly and not "mine"...but let me see what I can drag out of this puter! LOL!


Here I am at Christmas 2 years ago.


This is my husband, Mark, at the same time. He is holding Scout...doesn't everyone look excited? LOL!

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;) Okay, this is the best I can do... it's scanned from a photo taken a few years ago during a vacation out East.

You know how during each vacation you have that moment when nothing is going right and your and your partner are ready to just to kill each other? Well this is that moment! Steve was mad at me over something and I said "If I let you chop my head off & get a photo of it will you stop being mad at me?" :lol: Hence his big smile!


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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This is great getting to see the face behind the cairn :thumbsup:

This is me and David while on holidays last year.

And here are the kids and furbabies a couple of weeks ago at the beach.


P.S. Don't tell my daughter I posted her picture or I'm dead meat :whistle:

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It's fun seeing all the faces to go with the posts. Here goes mine:

me and DH


my fav pic of my son and Crunch that we used for our last Christmas cards


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Heres a few...

our wedding last october... had to have a pic with my old car!


we honeymooned by backpacking thru china for a month after, here's a couple...

-think the table is straight?...dont ask for chalk!


great wall...great calf workout!


a and j = andrew and jenn

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You all are gorgeous! Jenn, you car reminded me of my very first car. A 1973 Chevy Nova that was the same yellow with a black top. I thought I was stylin'!

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My dh and I get along really well 99% of the time, but we have had some huge arguments while on vacation. Your picture and narrative made me laugh!

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Here's a few pictures of the Barnes' family in Tennessee.


Marmie & Pops and Aubrey


Marmie & Pops and David - with a little bit of Tink in therePB110293.jpg

No pictures of my daughter and son-in-law. They are almost as important as the babies, but I have no picture here to add!



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I love, love, love this thread!!!!

I found a pic with the doggies and my dh!!!!!


the blur in the middle is Madison :P


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My DH with our new boy Digger!

I see I'm gonna have to study how to upload a picture. I guess mine are too big. Can someone point me in the right direction


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Okay, I've tested this, lets see if I can pull it off,

My DH with Digger


Digger hanging out by his pond


DH and Digger in the garden


More photos to come


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What a great thread....don't have a pic of hubby and Angus since he is always on the shooter side of the camera. Let me see if this will work.

Karen and Angus@10 weeks

Karen and Angus MacDoggal the Braveheart

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Guess as usual we are a day late, and a family picture short! So, I created a family collage..........I have truly enjoyed viewing everyone's family photos. What a great idea for a thread! Thanks everyone for sharing.....


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W00t! Haha. Fun thread!

Here's me and my sister: One

Here's me and my sister and my friend Pete: Two

I posted this in my other thread, but I like the picture so, here's Edmond and part of my face :D : Three

And, just because, here's me and a guy in my favorite band: Four


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