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A trip down Memory Lane


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Here is Baby Mettwurst - 5 weeks old. I couldn't find the picture that I had of Brattwurst.


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Here's Daisy May at Christmas time:


And a few weeks ago:

She's now 8 months old and started her first heat cycle. She's growing up so fast!

note the color change too!


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brad i love the pic of mommy and baby...so sweet. I cant believe the color change on some of these cairns. Ellie hasnt changed much, but Dori has so much grey in her now. I love that they do that, keeps things interesting!!!!

Nice pics everyone, God are cairn puppies just beautiful or what!!!!

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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Here are some baby pics I found of Scout. She LOVED sitting with me while I used the computer, although it was boring for her...lol!



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