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Although I understand Cairn terriers have an innate need to dig (for what I do not know :) ), I am still interested to know if anyone has a trick to minimize digging. I realize this may be a fruitless effort.

Should I try to designate a "digging allowed" area in the yard or just let my 15 month old be?

Thank you,

"Love Struck for Cairns"

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  • 2 months later...

Our dog trainer said one thing that could help deter him from digging especially in certain places is if you take some of the dogs stool and bury it where he/she has dug. This way when he/she goes back to dig and digs up it's stool it should make them stay away from that area.

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By all means create a "digging allowed" area and a "digging allowed" time. Trying to eliminate digging will only frustrate you. You can put it on comand, hide things in the area and then entertain your friends! Good Luck!

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