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What is the worst thing your Cairn has ate?


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We were stripping Alfie's coat one time. I turned around for a few seconds and of course Alfie ate his own fur. No use trying to retrieve that. Later, however, he threw up the hairball but he was interested in eating it up again......

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Hey, Dawgs! High fives all around for your accomplishments! :P This is how you get away with stuff: Be really good so the uprights don't watch you as closely. Then keep your eyes and ears open for any good snacking opportunities. I, myself, do not indulge in the poop. Maybe an occasional rabbit turd. -_- But because of my not-so-vigilent Alpha B I managed to score some DeCon once and, best of all, an almost full bag of Dove chocolates!!!! (I carefully spit out the wrappers) YUM! Both incidents resulted in me having to drink hydrogen peroxide and then waiting for me to barf. Both times I barfed :sick: BIG TIME!!! Not sure it was really worth it in the end. Except maybe the chocolate. :whistle:

Party on, Dawgs! :thumbsup:

Eli B)

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Allie always has her nose to the ground on our walks searching for a few "snacks." Sometimes she grabs so fast I can't tell what she got. But dead birds are the worse. I always worry that she will get worms after I've pried one of those out of her mouth.

My cousin's last dog, however, has the record for UGH. It was a swiss mountain dog (sorry if this makes this off topic!), and on a walk around the farm with my cousin it came upon a sleeping woodchuck. The woodchuck woke up and slashed at the dog, who promptly killed it and then, unfortunately, ate it. My cousin and her daughter banned the dog from the living room that night because it was "passing gas" (was going to use the "f" word!) which was unbelievably foul. We still laugh about Ty and his woodchuck farts, even though she lost the dog about a year ago.

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Duffy - a small amount of Strawberry Margarita that a guest left on a table in the backyard.

Mickey - Duffy's poop.

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There is a little lake at the park in our neighborhood that is stocked for fishing. Pepper one evening grabbed a fish head that had been tossed ( :sick::sick: !!!!!) and we kind of did a tug of war about it till I won. I just about got sick on the spot. It still makes me ill to think about it. :mad: And I watch him like a HAWK when we get near that lake now. Henry, thank goodness, is less adventurous - :confused:


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Why is it so many of our dogs like to eat such weird stuff? We went up to the mountains in northern AZ where we love to go camping in the summer, and one fine day of fishing lake side my darling Izbell flushed a baby bird out of the bushes and snatched it right out of the air, as I stood there with my mouth open in amazement she chomped down twice and swalloed it. ewww!

She also really loves crawdads (crayfish) she grabs them right out of the shallowes. The first time she did it, I tried to get it from her but thoose little buggers pinch! Hard! So now we try to only let her have 1 or 2 while we are there. By the way she doesn't eat the claws, she always leaves those and the head. Gross!

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I am laughing and wanting to throw up all at once. These Cairns are really something!! Snails, ok who is grossed out about that?! Escargot right!?! Cat poop, now that is something else. EWWWW! But the story of the ground hog eatin' dog w/gas. That's got to be the winner.

Karen and Angus MacDoggal the Braveheart

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One time, over the course of a few days, Bosco and I would pass the same piece of white "thing" (size of a half dollar, possibly bread or candy) on the sidewalk. It baked in the sun for a few days and slowly became covered with ants. I was able to pull him away from it the first couple of days and he seemed to ignore it...until the third day when we walked briskly, he turned his head to swallow the white "thing" (crawling ants and all!!! :sick::sick: ) and continued to walk on his merry way. :sick::sick::sick::sick:

I only hope these pups have strong stomachs and strong stomach acid - just thinking of crawling ants inside his tummy is so :sick::sick::sick: .

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The yuckiest thing that Kipper has ever eaten is a kitty crunchy. What was so gross about it was that I saw him pick something up out of a flowe bed in the front yard where I have bulbs so I thought he had picked up a bulb (which could be toxic) so I raced over to him and did the "finger sweep" to get it out of his mouth and lo and behold it was not a potentially toxic bulb at all, it was the oldest smelliest cat turd ever to have been discovered before or since! :sick::sick::sick:

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Actually did consume:

- his own pee - tried to drink it everytime he had an accident in the kitchen

- apricot pit from on the street (came back up the way it went in!)

- seashell on the beach - I didn't know he had it till I heard the crunch

- own fur out of the comb after grooming

- worms and slugs

Attempted to consume but I fished it out of his mouth: :sick:

- a flattened mummified baby bird :sick: (takes the top prize for him so far)

- styrofoam peanuts - 4 at one swipe

- remnents of a dead crab on the beach

- cigarrette butts

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We just got back from the Oregon coast and Cassie was going for every dead crab part on the beach she could find and there were tons. The thing I am mad about is she chewed clean through my Karcher pressure washer power cord, then chewed up the plug in. Good thing it wasn't plugged in! I worried when we were in hotel rooms on this trip because they had power strips on the floor, so I kept an eagle eye on her or put her in her kennel. Also she chewed the lid up on my plastic tote that held my bird seed. The Barbie dolls hands and feet aren't safe either. Not yucky but believe me it looks pretty bad around here right now.

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This is simultaneously the most horrfiying and hilarious topic ever. I thought I was adventurous when I ate a clam. I bow in respect and terror to the awesome, fearsome eating machines that are Cairns on the prowl. :sick:

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Oh, I forgot, Savannah ate her own teeth when she would loose them if I couldn't get them away from her. As a result, I only got 3, Savannah got the rest.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Oh, I forgot, Savannah ate her own teeth when she would loose them if I couldn't get them away from her. As a result, I only got 3, Savannah got the rest.

You know my two aren't giving me any of their baby teeth and I'm hurt. They have to be swallowing them as Brystal hardly has any teeth - and well Hollie won't let me in her mouth easily. I wanted the puppy toothfairy to be able to come.... :(

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah
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