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Barney's heart stopped during his neuter surgery!

Barney's Mom

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Oh my gosh, I am so so relieved and happy for you and Barney. I really

do think all these well wishes and prayers help...


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IT'S A MIRACLE!!!!!!!!!

Barney is almost completely normal this morning!!!!!!!! His sight is back for sure, and he is up to his old tricks again!!!! I never thought I would be so happy that he was chewing on my slipper!!! I wanted to send a picture with this post but my camera batteries were out. I will do it soon!

Last night he was SO much better than he was at the vet, but still not quite with it. I put him down in his ex-pen with his crate and he seemed upset and wimpered a lot. I stayed in his pen with him until he settled down. I put on the ocean waves CD that I would play softly when he was a puppy which worked so well to calm him down. I got the ol' baby monitor out and hooked it up so I could hear any distress he may have. Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep. Not because of any noise he was making, but because of the LACK of noise! I prayed off and on all night that he would get his sight back.

My husband let him out this morning for potty around 5:30 and he did both jobs. Then when I got up and went in to get him, he reacted like he always does...hunkers around all excited and wagging his tail. Then he looked up at me with those beautiful brown eyes, right into mine! I just cried.... I did a quick vision test to see if he would follow my finger around like I had a treat. He didn't do it yesterday, but he for sure did it today. And all morning we were making complete, alert eye contact. He was going for his toys and seeing and walking to tiny crumbs to eat them.

He is still not 100% yet. He seems still a tiny bit weak, but that's expected I guess. But he is almost there, thanks to all the prayers of my wonderful friends here!!!! I would read all the letters several times a day and they just gave me so much hope!

I think little Barney's situation has taught us that God hears us when we pray. It warmed my heart so much to know that there were people thinking of him literally all over the world! I have more faith in God through all of this, and more faith that there really are good people in this world!!

I think Barney and I will go chase some fireflies tonight.....I will be thinking of all of you when we do. :halo:

Now it's my turn to blubber...this is just a wonderful note to see. It just shows what the power of love and faith can do.

Have a great weekend with your recovering baby.

Tara, Olie, Teddy and Sweet Pea's Mom

Max and Nelly

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I've just got home from dinner out and just had to check before I go to bed - WHAT GREAT NEWS!!!

I'm so happy for you that Barney has pulled through this, what a relief for you. I would be happy to see him chewing my slipper too.

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This is such great news! So glad to hear that he is almost back to normal, I'm sure he's some out of it just from his neuter surgery.. keep on getting better Barney!

kasey and Izzy

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Thank God. This morning my nervous hope gave way to tears of happiness. Please hug and kiss him for Tom, Digger and I. I too shared this story with so many people, just because it had me so emotional. When I got home last night I had to force myself to put Digger down. I just wanted to hold him so close to me all night.

We are so thrilled for you, and we continue to pray for you. Have a great weekend, and enjoy every minute!


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This is fantastic to read! Barney is a miracle dog! According to my dh and other vets, Barney is very fortunate to be alive! Aren't those baby monitors great? I'm glad I kept mine from when my dd was a baby to use on the dogs.

Thanks for the update, please check you PM.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Thank God. This morning my nervous hope gave way to tears of happiness.

I could NOT have said it better myself! I am a blubberer (if that is such a word) and very private about it too BUT not this morning. Please give Barney belly rubs and ear scratches from Apollo & me.



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I couldn't wait to get to work to check in on Barney. That is such wonderful news, and I am so very happy to hear that little Barney is almost 100%! I truly believe that the power of so much prayer, positive thinking, good karma, whatever you wish to call it, works! I know that we will all continue to keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers.


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So glad to hear Barney is doing so much better. What a scare. Please keep us posted on his progress.

This site just shows that there are people that love and care for these little guys, even if it is not their own. If anything ever happens to Sasha or Riley it is wonderful to know I can come here for some comfort and understanding when most of the world would just say "it's only a dog". To me these little guys are my family and are loved just as much.

Again, WTG Barney.


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I too thought about your little guy last night and hoped that he would just keep getting better and better, and squeezed my Pepper and Henry extra hard. Hope you and Barney have a wonderful time chasing fireflies tonight :D ! -- please keep giving updates on how he is doing -- and my guys and I will keep sending our best thoughts and "woofs" :) your way.


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"All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!"

You've had this on your posts all along, I am convinced He has watched over Barney and heard all our prayers!

I am so happy for all of you! This will make you love him so much more! :hug:

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Such wonderful news. Despite all you had to worry about, thanks so much for keeping us all up-to-date on Barney's condition. We were all on pins and needles and praying for his recovery. Barney felt like one of my own and I am so thankful that he is almost back to "normal" - as "normal" as any Cairn monkey can be.

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Barney's Mom

Soooo glad to hear that Barney is better. (Tears of happiness here too). He will remain in my thoughts as the day goes by.

You have fireflies? Ours seem to have all vanished. Maybe we will have more now that the weather is heating up. (ugh)

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Woof!!! Barney, Dude! I knew you'd be OK cuz we are tough and we need you in CUR! Ya had us a bit worried there, but now I know you are back to all your old CUR tricks.

Party on, Dawg!

Eli B)

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Barney's Mom:

What wonderful news! I'm celebrating with you! :party:

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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I've been reading, but not writing! Congratulations on the recovery - what a relief. God gave us these little guys to love and care for, and He loves them and us. He knows they are important to us, and He answers prayers. Not always how we want, but this time He did! Enjoy!



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Add me to the blubbering list! I am so thrilled for Barney!

I will thank the Big Guy for watching over "our" Barney.

Be well and watch out fireflies!


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I am so happy to hear that Barney is doing so much better. After all he has been through, being a little sluggish is to be expected! What great news to get right here at the weekend so that you can celebrate! Please continue to keep us posted and post a pic as soon as you can!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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