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FYI! Barney's anesthesia protocol

Barney's Mom

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Personally I would take the threat of heartworm seriously. It's prevalence varies by region and changes over time. We live in what has historically been a low-incidence area and my local vet who is real outdoorsy type never treated his own dogs for it ... but has started now. We'll probably do the same.

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We may not vaccinate yearly, but heartworm is one thing we don't mess around with. All 5 of mine are treated monthly. Heartworm disease is very serious and very expensive to treat. My dear neighbors lost their beloved pet (a stray they took in) to heartworm. The poor dog was being treated, but was too far gone and died.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I'm lucky that in the U.K. we don't have heartworm or rabies. However, when I lived in Connecticut my dogs were vaccinated against rabies (every year, by law) and I made sure they were protected against heartworm. In Summer there were little swarms of mosquitos in my back yard. In fact, in mild winters I would often see mosquitos and I would continue monthly heartworm tablets. Heartworm causes a gruesome death and the treatment if a dog has caught heartworm is itself risky.

Vaccination protocols are controversial because there's been a lot of good, scientific research (not "read on the Web stuff) that indicates annual boosters for many diseases are not necessary.


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My vet only gives the 3 year rabies and he doesn't like to vaccinate until 6 months of age. Angus is going in for his neuter on friday and he will NOT be getting the rabies until we do the follow up visit. Doc also told me the heartguard is good for over a month, but we're doing it monthly to make sure. FL swarms w/mosquitoes especially this time of year. I read an article recently that said the incidence of Lepto in dogs is almost non-existent now. I'm not even sure Doc gives that vaccine anymore. What about the Lymes vaccine in Colorado? We have lots of deer that come in our yard out there. I've read countless horror stories about dogs that nearly died from the vaccine. I wonder if being diligent with Frontline will protect Angus from tick bites. It's always something isn't it?! I think I'm going to stick with doing titers on Angus like I did Bailey and only vaccinate when he needs it.

Karen and Angus MacDoggal the Braveheart

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