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Nightmare Neighbors


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I would also consider finding out if these people are renters as that may give you some clout with the landlord/owner, especially if the whole neighborhood would get involved. You and your family have my best wishes and I truly hope and pray that this mess works itself out to your advantage.


To find out who owns said house, do a web search for your county auditors web page. They should have an online search tool where you can look up an address... and poof! you've got the owners name... If no auditor web page, call them! it's public domain info.

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Yes I wish these people were renters, but unforunately they're buyers of the home. So no luck there. So the detective called me about 11am and told me that the latest letter said "on the 6th day you will die" "who am I" with red/pinkish markings that the 1st one had on it which I couldn't tell if it's lipstick or paint or what. My poor mother is so upset and freaking out - she'll probably want to move in for the next month! So I'm leaving work to go purchase a home security system (like I really have the money - oh well I guess). The Police Department assured me they'd increase patrol and have something called a special enforcement team that comes in on Wednesday that deals with gang related issues that would also be getting involved - which is confusing for me because I live in a nice neighboorhood without gangs. But I guess I won't question an extra lookout... you know at first I was really thinking it had to be the problem neighbor kids, but now I just don't know. I'm also going to look into daycare in home or at a center for Brystal and Hollie - like I said I'm more worried about them than me and the last thing I need is anyone harming them. They mean the world to me. Thank you all for your well wishes and hopefully I'll be able to catch this fool/and or neighbors.

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah
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Oh my.....I am so very sorry you are going through this. My heart just goes out to you. I can't imagine what you are feeling right now. You will be in my prayers for the safety of you, your family and Brystal and Hollie. Let's hope the police will get majorly involved and put an end to this nonsense.

Getting a big dog for protection does sound tempting, but if you are not in the position to have three dogs, do you know anyone at work or in your neighborhood that might let their dog come and stay with you for a while? Maybe someone you know who might be taking a vacation and would need someone to watch their dog anyway? Your little ones are still very small, and I highly doubt a big dog would bother a puppy. We have two Rotties that live down the street and they are SO intimidating to look at and their bark is a major fear factor. But they are just great big teddy bears in reality. One ran across the street once when Barney and I were out for a walk. I was terrified but all he did was sniff Barney up one side and down the other. Of course, Barney was ready to take him on, the little tough guy! B)

I hope all this comes to a complete stop very soon!

Hugs to you and Brystal and Hollie,


Barney's Mom

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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Chances are, the Gang Taskforce team is probably more experienced in dealing with these types of threats and crimes than your standard officer and may be better equipped to perform survellience of your home. Having this team come in to deal with your case is like having your General Physcian refer you to Cardiologist if you were having coronary problems. Your GP does understand a great deal about your heart. But the Cardiologist has no other focus. (I am the queen of analogies....hopefully this makes sense :)

Hang in there and keep us posted.

Raise your expectations for what your Cairn can do....and try very hard to meet your Cairn's expectations of you.
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I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am that you're going through this. Thankfully the police seem to finally be doing something about this. Please know I will be praying that you are your babies are kept safe!

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Gosh, I am so sorry! I have no idea what I would do in your scenario. Is there any way that you can set up a vidoe camera looking out a window towards your mail box so that you could see who it is that is dropping off the notes?

Please keep us posted on how things develop.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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Well Chris and I got a video camera last night - it's just a cheapy but hopefully it's effective and works. It's just a little GE with tiny TV and you hook it up to your VCR to record. It's got a great view of the mailbox and front driveway and street during the day. The nightvision is worthless it only goes 10 ft so it doesn't even pick up the street or mailbox at night. The bad news is our video tape only lasts 8 hours and I leave for work early so I'm not sure the tape will last until I get home. We also contacted our security company who of course won't schedule an appointment with us until next Monday for surveillance that I could view over the internet while I'm at work and they would monitor it from their end as well (I'm sure that's going to cost some bucks). But I'm also hoping that I can record the dogs during the day too like they do for daycare children - then I can see them while I'm working. Most people are probably going to think I'm crazy for wanting to record my dogs and what they're doing all day long, but their safety is extreamly important to me. There's still no good leads. The last letter on Monday wasn't as juvenile as Friday's letter. My gut hopes it's the neighbor's kids since they're just nightmare children and act out on a daily basis - and orignally that was my original fear in the forum was the freaky neighbors - but I guess it's anyone's guess right now as to what is really going on. I did see that the police made 3 drivebys last night so at least they haven't forgotten about me I guess. And I hung one of those silly signs in case of an emergency I have 2 dogs that need to be rescued....

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah
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This really is a nightmare for you... I'm so sorry for you. I hope the police can help put an end to it.

Ten years ago I thought we lived next to the "neighbour from hell" but compared to your worries mine were tame.

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Well I fast forwarded through the 8 hours of tape yesterday. Nothing unusual and I was hoping for something - anything just to figure out if it's the idiot teen next door. He did drive by my house twice really slow - and I heard him getting chewed out by his mother last night for just sitting in his car as he wasn't suppose to even be in it. I'm not even sure he's old enough to have a license -maybe a permit not sure - but anyways besides him driving like a snail twice by the home nothing looked different on the video - normal mailman and such. And not a single police patrol drive by in an 8 hour time period which I admit makes me slightly aggitated. And the kids next door are popping out the knot holes in the 6 foot fence that divides us - I'm assuming to poke something through - so I have to find something to plug them with and wood glue/filer. I'm trying not to express how annoyed I am just in case it is them - I don't want to let on how truly peeved I am at the situation. I could even hear one of the kids barking at my dog through the fence - how immature. So I just asked both the dogs to come in for a goodie and they did. But I'd really love to scream at them to leave my dogs alone.

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah
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Lids from tin cans make great knot hole covers. We have used them for years to keep our dogs from poking noses and fighting with the neighbors dogs.

We have a new fancy can opener that actually seperates the glue...so no sharp edges...but in the old days I would rub the edges of the lid with sand paper to file down the edges. Then one or two nails through the lid and into the fence. Once nailed in...they should last the lifetime of the fence.

Raise your expectations for what your Cairn can do....and try very hard to meet your Cairn's expectations of you.
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  • 6 months later...


I was searching through old topics and came across this one...I was just wondering if anything ever came of this??



We're the Cairns of America

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I was searching through old topics and came across this one...I was just wondering if anything ever came of this??


Well I'm please to say that the wife and kids and the dogs moved out of that house late October in a fury in the rain - we actually thought they were being evicted because they threw furniture and drawers of clothes in trucks in the dark hours of the night - but turns out it was just a separation (we think) because the husband is still there by himself... and she comes over maybe once every couple of weeks to spend the night... we have no idea what's really going on - but the kids aren't there - and things are WAY better. I no longer have to worry about the dogs as much - but I do worry that they'll get back together and then we'll be back to square one... so far no more weird mail, no more torching of the wooden fence - no more challenges with that teenager over there... it's been heaven for 6 months! I just am keeping my fingers crossed that they don't move back in!

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah
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Wow. That's great...I mean for you :) The post happened before my time on the forum and I was just stunned when I was reading it...infuriated, really. I mean, how scary! Glad to hear it's better and I hope it stays that way.


We're the Cairns of America

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OK, Goforette, I know this is not nice: but maybe that teenager finally REALLY :censored: some other neighbor off wherever the mom is living now. Result: maybe he is in "juvie".

I am glad for you they are not there and hope they stay not there!

My fun memory of neighbors years ago was kids gathering in an area beside our corner townhouse to smoke pot at night. Drove us and my Scottie Bonnie crazy.


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I am so sorry to tell you that I very honestly feel you can not win. I live in central FL. We have an extremely high crime rate. Yesterday a father of 3, soccer coach, got gunned down on an interstate as he swerved to avoid a car. He cut another vehicle off and was killed as a result. I have been a victim of teenage thugs. You can not win. As they can not get you, they will go for your dogs. My advice and I am not a pacifist, is to ignore them. If there ball goes over, get it for them but ignore them and be very very careful of your dogs.

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Oh boy I sympathize with you Stacey! We have had the worse neighbors come and go over the last few years. First it was the Meth adicts in the dumpy rental next door. Finally had to get the city, police, landlord, and the entire block involved and it finally got fixed. Now it is another doper kind of behind us, he has a medical marijuana card and has been in trouble for meth before and the cops want him bad!!! He talks to him self all the time, plays loud filthy music EVERY day and to top it off he has security cameras and spotlights all over his house!!! One of the cameras is 6 feet from my fence! I totally want to mess with his head, still working on how to do that though.

He has a HUGE pit bull, fortunately we have a really secure fence! I have had to call the police about 9million times about his music and they never actually do anything about it. We had to call once because OOPS!!! Had the security camera pointed at my bedroom window!!! NO I am NOT kidding :vampire: The guy is the definition of crazy!!

On the bright side though the rest of the neighbor hood could not be better for dogs. One of my neighbors is a groomer and all the others are super into their dogs so it is nice that way.

Good luck with the curtain climbing house apes next door. I know how frustrating and scary it can be!

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I guess I'm lucky too. My neighbors are all pretty fantastic. All of the people either have dogs, cats, or just love animals. We took the dogs for a walk today and we couldn't even get down the street before we were stopped by 10 people asking "What kind of dog is that?" I always tell them and then have to explain..."you know, like Toto."


We're the Cairns of America

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