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doggy water: bottled or tap?

Barney's Mom

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Loki's Dad, You got me on the first paragraph! We have filtered water in the door, and a filter on our faucet I don't know if this helps or not. When the Vet specialist told me to get Bailey off tap water right after his kidney disease diagnosis, I thought that made sense. Now I'm seeing a physician for my own health issues and one of the questions she asked was where do we get our drinking water. They are doing a hair analysis to see what kinds of chemicals I've been exposed to. I think the fact that there is a lot of phosphate mining East of where our community gets it's water supply is nerve wracking. Not to mention, restrictions on mercury content in water have been recently been loosened by the EPA. Hmm, I'm thinking EPA may be an oxymoron! :P Cheers!

Karen and Angus MacDoggal the Braveheart

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