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Tricks and treats

sheila and Misty

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SparkyJonesMom - Buckley has a natural tendancy to do "up pretty", so it was easy to teach him. He just followed the lure (treat). I aslo taught him to do shake by holding the treat in my hand. It is not so much shake as it is a tap. Now he tries to sit up pretty and shake for every treat. I haven't tried roll-over and play dead yet.

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The problem with the "up pretty" trick is that when I try to make him follow the lure, he jumps up, and skips the "up pretty" part altogether.

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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sheila and Misty
The problem with the "up pretty" trick is that when I try to make him follow the lure, he jumps up, and skips the "up pretty" part altogether.

I say SIT good girl treat then UP NICE and move my hnd no higher than her face -if she stands I say nooo and start over SIt-upnice (on your bum) (but Misty knows what her bum is. then she does it again and right -she really knows it well took awhile because she had trouble positioning her tail and it made her rll off ballance.

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The problem with the "up pretty" trick is that when I try to make him follow the lure, he jumps up, and skips the "up pretty" part altogether.

Your probably holding the treat too far away. Hold it really close to his face being careful not to let him eat it and lure him up from there. Holding the lure really close prevents him from jumping for the treat.

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