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Ok wally is constantly getting the hiccups. Is this a problem or is he just eating too fast. He does not seem to care when he has them but was just kind of curious. :confused1:

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val uses hicups like their crack. he can hicup from anything, being startled, eating fast, getting excited, even just looking cute.

im starting to think he can do it on command and uses it to get cuteness attention...

it works....

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Sadie eats like too fast and gets hiccups still and she is 3 YO. Both of mine got them when they were puppies. It is common in puppies. I wouldn't be worried.

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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I just experienced worms with Sparky. It was gross and completely unexpected. No fleas, no vomiting, no diarrhea. He had a voracious appetite and we used to joke that he had a worm. He also used to hiccup every night. Since he has officially been dewormed, his hiccups have stopped. We used to think he hiccuped because he ate so quickly. My vet explained they were due to the gasses the worms emitted. Your dog may not have worms, but I recommend deworming your pup.

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If you think it's an eating thing, you could try putting a toy inside and on top the food dish to kind of...separate her from the food. She'll need to eat around the toy and would cause her eat less. Of course, being a Cairn...she might out smart you, take the toy out and scarf it down. :P I don't think you need to worry though. ;)


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